Answer Bar: Handling Employee Investigations in Today's Workplace
Contains material from Jul 2017 to Jun 2020
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Very informative.
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Session 2: Reputational Risk: Managing Perceptions with Image Repair - When the reputation of the client is uncertain and “no comment” is not an option, hear from a public relations veteran and an employment attorney on strategies for communicating with the public and employees. Discussion includes the advanced Image Repair Theory crisis communication guide, coordinating the legal and communications team, and the professional ethical rules that govern lawyers when speaking about ongoing conflict.
Session 3: Whistleblowers - A plaintiff-side and defense-side lawyer discuss protections and pitfalls for individuals and employers under state and federal whistleblower statutes.
Session 4: Employee Activism and Workplace Political Speech - Analyze legal and practical implications of employee activism and political speech including best practices for employee training, policy development, and navigating related day-to-day workplace realities.
Session 5: The New Gender and Sexuality - Legal update and practical workplace impact of social and cultural shifts with respect to the evolving terminology and variety of gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.
Session 6: Age Discrimination: A New Kind of Generation Gap - The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) just celebrated the 50th anniversary of its enactment. With an aging baby boomer population, employees working past traditional retirement age, and millennials moving into management positions—these issues are more important than ever. Discuss strategies for managing multi-generational workforces and preventing age discrimination claims.
Session 7: Best Practices in Dispute Resolution - Get practical tips on how to anticipate, avoid, evaluate, negotiate, and resolve workplace conflicts from a mediator and arbitrator with 45 years of experience representing employees and employers.
Session 8: Combatting Hostile Environments: Risks of “Workplace Civility” Policies - Anti-harassment policies that prohibit only conduct that is strictly unlawful do not go far enough to guarantee a respectful workplace for employees. But broadly-drafted policies that require civility in workplace interactions can have unintended consequences. Examine the pros and cons of policies that go beyond unlawful behavior, and what they can mean for you and your clients.
Session 9: Rights on Trial: How Workplace Discrimination Law Perpetuates Inequality - Understand the fundamental tensions in anti-discrimination law, how it impacts plaintiffs and defendants in the litigation system, and hear practical recommendations for how to better respond to persistent patterns of discrimination.
Session 10: Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: A Priority and Challenge - Developing diversity and inclusion initiatives is a growing priority for many companies and organizations. Gain strategies and advice in how to approach the creation and implementation of these initiatives, and how to avoid inadvertent Title VII violations or other legal liabilities.
Session 11: How to Be an Ethical Ally (When You Work with a Bunch of Attorneys) - Are you a person who notices inequities around you? Do you want to respond when you see or hear another person being slighted? Do you work with a bunch of attorneys? If you said "yes" to any of these questions, then this is the ethics presentation is for you. We'll dive into some common biases sometimes seen in law firms and legal departments and discuss how you can effectively interrupt these biases by being an ally to your peers and to your profession.
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Tara M. Kumpf
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Session 1 —29 mins
Internal Investigations (May 2020)
Artful Inquisitions—how to master internal investigations to uncover the truth. Employee interviews are critical to conducting an effective and thorough workplace investigation. Get informative tips on preparing investigation interviews, applying effective questioning techniques, and using emotional intelligence to elicit key information.
Originally presented: May 2020 Labor and Employment Law Conference
Tara M. Kumpf,
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. - Austin, TX
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Jeff Hahn, Tom Nesbitt
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Session 2 —31 mins
Reputational Risk: Managing Perceptions with Image Repair (Jun 2018)
When the reputation of the client is uncertain and “no comment” is not an option, hear from a public relations veteran and an employment attorney on strategies for communicating with the public and employees. Discussion includes the advanced Image Repair Theory crisis communication guide, coordinating the legal and communications team, and the professional ethical rules that govern lawyers when speaking about ongoing conflict.
Originally presented: May 2018 Labor and Employment Law Conference
Jeff Hahn,
Hahn Public Communications - Austin, TX
Tom Nesbitt,
DeShazo & Nesbitt LLP - Austin, TX
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Drew L. Harris, Austin Kaplan
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Session 3 —46 mins
Whistleblowers (May 2020)
A plaintiff-side and defense-side lawyer discuss protections and pitfalls for individuals and employers under state and federal whistleblower statutes.
Originally presented: May 2020 Labor and Employment Law Conference
Drew L. Harris,
Office of the Attorney General - Austin, TX
Austin Kaplan,
Kaplan Law Firm - Austin, TX
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Laura M. Merritt
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Session 4 —27 mins
Employee Activism and Workplace Political Speech (Jun 2020)
Analyze legal and practical implications of employee activism and political speech including best practices for employee training, policy development, and navigating related day-to-day workplace realities.
Originally presented: May 2020 Labor and Employment Law Conference
Laura M. Merritt,
Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P. - Austin, TX
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Laura M. Merritt
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Session 5 —44 mins
The New Gender and Sexuality (Jun 2018)
Legal update and practical workplace impact of social and cultural shifts with respect to the evolving terminology and variety of gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.
Originally presented: May 2018 Labor and Employment Law Conference
Laura M. Merritt,
Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P. - Austin, TX
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Katrina Grider
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Session 6 —29 mins
Age Discrimination: A New Kind of Generation Gap (Jun 2019)
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) just celebrated the 50th anniversary of its enactment. With an aging baby boomer population, employees working past traditional retirement age, and millennials moving into management positions—these issues are more important than ever. Discuss strategies for managing multi-generational workforces and preventing age discrimination claims.
Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference
Katrina Grider,
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. - Houston, TX
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David T. Lopez
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Session 7 —30 mins
Best Practices in Dispute Resolution (Jul 2017)
Get practical tips on how to anticipate, avoid, evaluate, negotiate, and resolve workplace conflicts from a mediator and arbitrator with 45 years of experience representing employees and employers.
Originally presented: Jun 2017 Labor and Employment Law Conference
David T. Lopez,
Attorney-Arbitrator-Mediator - Houston, TX
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Christopher H. Hahn
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Session 8 —20 mins
Combatting Hostile Environments: Risks of “Workplace Civility” Policies (Jun 2019)
Anti-harassment policies that prohibit only conduct that is strictly unlawful do not go far enough to guarantee a respectful workplace for employees. But broadly-drafted policies that require civility in workplace interactions can have unintended consequences. Examine the pros and cons of policies that go beyond unlawful behavior, and what they can mean for you and your clients.
Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference
Christopher H. Hahn,
Dell - Round Rock, TX
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Laura Beth Nielsen
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Session 9 —47 mins
Rights on Trial: How Workplace Discrimination Law Perpetuates Inequality (Jun 2018)
Understand the fundamental tensions in anti-discrimination law, how it impacts plaintiffs and defendants in the litigation system, and hear practical recommendations for how to better respond to persistent patterns of discrimination.
Originally presented: May 2018 Labor and Employment Law Conference
Laura Beth Nielsen,
Northwestern University and American Bar Foundation - Chicago, IL
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Shafeeqa W. Giarratani
Session 10 —59 mins
Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: A Priority and Challenge (Mar 2019)
Developing diversity and inclusion initiatives is a growing priority for many companies and organizations. Gain strategies and advice in how to approach the creation and implementation of these initiatives, and how to avoid inadvertent Title VII violations or other legal liabilities.
Originally presented: Mar 2019 Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: A Priority and Challenge
Shafeeqa W. Giarratani,
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. - Austin, TX
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Session 11
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Originally presented: Feb 2020 How to Be an Ethical Ally (When You Work with a Bunch of Attorneys)