First Friday Ethics (September 2021)
Contains material from Jul 2019 to Sep 2021
Makes Ethics CLE pleasurable as well as informative.
all three presentations were excellent. I especially liked the third one.
Comments from the 2021 First Friday Ethics (September 2021) STUDIO WEBCAST
Very engaging speakers!
LOVED the speakers and am looking forward to going through the handouts on my own time. Also appreciate the real world examples and links to various sites.
DeDe the Trump-hater BELONGS in Austin with her Ah's and Um's - at leat three hundred of them in her presentation. It was very distracting to an otherwise very useful course.
It hit on things that are currently relevant, and which have a bearing on a couple of current matters.
I had some problems with losing the video during the first presentation (but could still hear it).
Technical Questions?
This month includes:
Lawyer Well-Being: TLAP in the Coronavirus Era
Join Chris Ritter as he explores tips for how lawyers can maintain wellness during difficult times and how TLAP can help.
11:10 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. (1.00 hr | 1.00 hr ethics)
Ethics Three-Pack: Client Confidentiality, Advertising, and Social Media (REPLAY)
Ethically proper social media presence, maintaining client confidentiality, and compliance with attorney advertising rules are three important cornerstones of any successful and ethical law practice. Update your knowledge and avoid pitfalls in all three areas as a result of this fast-paced and informative one-hour roundtable discussion.
12:20 p.m. to 1:20 p.m. (1.00 hr | 1.00 hr ethics)
Hey Ho Pinocchio! Slowing Down Our Reflex to Call Someone a Liar (REPLAY)
Join DeDe Church in this entertaining yet practical exploration of how we can determine when a witness or client is lying and the best practices for responding in those sticky situations. Often we are quick to label someone a liar these days, but we now know that stress and trauma can cause memories to be stored in a non-linear fashion or to be riddled with blank spots. We'll learn some proven techniques for determining if a person is intentionally lying and the ethical ways to respond without necessarily "outing" them as a liar.
Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides
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Chris C. Ritter
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Session 1 —60 mins
Lawyer Well-Being: TLAP in the Coronavirus Era (Sep 2021)
Join Chris Ritter as he explores tips for how lawyers can maintain wellness during difficult times and how TLAP can help.
Originally presented: Sep 2021 First Friday Ethics (September 2021)
Chris C. Ritter,
Texas Lawyers' Assistance Program, State Bar of Texas - Austin, TX
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Kendyl T. Hanks, Gene Major, Scott Rothenberg
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Session 2 —58 mins
Ethics Three-Pack: Client Confidentiality, Advertising, and Social Media (REPLAY) (Jul 2019)
Ethically proper social media presence, maintaining client confidentiality, and compliance with attorney advertising rules are three important cornerstones of any successful and ethical law practice. Update your knowledge and avoid pitfalls in all three areas as a result of this fast-paced and informative one-hour roundtable discussion.
Originally presented: Jun 2019 Conference on State and Federal Appeals
Kendyl T. Hanks,
Greenberg Traurig, LLP - Austin, TX
Gene Major,
State Bar of Texas - Austin, TX
Scott Rothenberg,
Law Offices of Scott Rothenberg - Houston, TX
Show session details
DeDe Church
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Session 3 —56 mins
Hey Ho Pinocchio! Slowing Down Our Reflex to Call Someone a Liar (REPLAY) (Jan 2021)
Join DeDe Church in this entertaining yet practical exploration of how we can determine when a witness or client is lying and the best practices for responding in those sticky situations. Often we are quick to label someone a liar these days, but we now know that stress and trauma can cause memories to be stored in a non-linear fashion or to be riddled with blank spots. We'll learn some proven techniques for determining if a person is intentionally lying and the ethical ways to respond without necessarily "outing" them as a liar.
Originally presented: Jan 2021 First Friday Ethics (January 2021)
DeDe Church,
DeDe Church & Associates, LLC - Austin, TX