Hooked on CLE: July 2023
Contains material from Jun 2022 to Jun 2023
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Includes: Video Audio Slides
- Total Credit Hours:
- 4.00 | 1.00 ethics
- Credit Info
- TX, CA, PA
- TX MCLE credit expires: 6/30/2025
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Claude E. Ducloux
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Session 1 —58 mins 1.00 | 1.00 ethics
Client Selection, Contracts and Handling Complaints (Dec 2022)
During a long career, almost no lawyer can completely avoid conflicts and complaints from Clients. The nature of our adversary system provides many opportunities for stress, misunderstandings and disagreements about how the legal system works – or the client’s expectations. Many times, these matters can be avoided in the intake process. But when a complaint arises, lawyers need to know how to respond and handle those attorney client disagreements in ethical and empathetic ways. This course takes you through the interview process, the execution of clear attorney fee agreements, maintaining clear communications, and ultimately handling an attorney client dispute. Dozens of great tips, sound advice, and reminders of our fiduciary duty under the Disciplinary Rules.
Originally presented: Nov 2022 First Friday Ethics (November 2022)
Claude E. Ducloux,
Attorney at Law - Austin, TX
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Jason Boulette
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Session 2 —43 mins 0.75
Religious Accommodation: A Conflict of Rights (Jun 2023)
A Conflict of Rights: this topic explores the meaning of religion under Title VII, the intersection of accommodation claims on the one hand and harassment claims on the other, and the shifting understanding of undue burden with respect to religious beliefs and practices. The session also includes a practical discussion of the competing interests that arise when religion and work meet.
Originally presented: May 2023 Religious Accommodation: A Conflict of Rights
Jason Boulette,
Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P. - Austin, TX
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Jake Wegmann, Awais Azhar, Nicole Joslin, Zachary Krochtengel
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Session 3 —61 mins 1.00
Affordable Housing: Land Use Regulation to Increase and Preserve Affordable Housing (Jun 2023)
Recently a small group of cities and several entire states have done the unthinkable: they've bucked a century of US planning practice and have begun to allow smaller, cheaper housing units to be built on single-family lots. Texas cities are contemplating doing something similar, will housing affordability for residents of such neighborhoods be helped or harmed?
Originally presented: Apr 2023 Land Use Conference
Jake Wegmann,
The University of Texas at Austin - Austin, TX
Awais Azhar,
The University of Texas at Austin - Austin, TX
Nicole Joslin,
Capital A Development - Austin, TX
Zachary Krochtengel,
Armory Square Development - Dallas, TX
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Phyllis Harris
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Session 4 —29 mins 0.50
Demonstrating Value as a Law Department: KPIs and Metrics (Jun 2022)
Understand the drivers of legal department performance measurement and how operational metrics support the legal department’s value to the organization.
Originally presented: Apr 2022 Corporate Counsel Institute
Phyllis Harris,
American Red Cross - Washington, DC
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Christine Hurt, John C. Ale
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Session 5 —49 mins 0.75
Joint Ventures Between Business Entities (Aug 2022)
Joint ventures are essential to the business environment in Texas. Though courts have generally treated these like general partnerships and applied partnership law, there are two distinct and possibly opposite trends that we will discuss. First, courts are increasingly finding that JV interests are securities (particularly in the oil and gas space in TX and CO) and second, the Delaware Court of Chancery has allowed a JV to disclaim partnership status and fiduciary duties, though the JV is not an entity that statutorily has the power to disclaim fiduciary duties.
Originally presented: Jul 2022 LLCs, LPs and Partnerships
Christine Hurt,
Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law - Dallas, TX
John C. Ale,
Southwestern Energy Company (Retired) - Houston, TX